
NOTE Orientdb

Connecting to Server Instances

Before you can connect to a fresh server instance and fully control it, you need to know the root password for the database. The root password is located in the configuration file at config/orientdb-server-config.xml. You can find it by searching for the <users> element. If you want to change it, edit the configuration file and restart the server.



The table below illustrates the comparison between the relational model, the document model, and the OrientDB document model:
Relational ModelDocument ModelOrientDB Document Model
Table Collection Class or Cluster
Table Partition none Using by Cluster can implements
Row Document Document
Column Key/value pair Document field
Relationship not available Link


Referenced Relationships

OrientDB expresses relationships of these kinds using a collection of links LINKLIST, LINKSET, LINKMAP.
But With the Graph API, Edges connect only two vertices. This means that 1:n relationships are not allowed. To specify a 1:n relationship with graphs, create multiple edges.

I tried Join at http://orientdb.com/docs/last/SQL.html  


> select * from employee where city.country.name='UK'
|#   |@RID |@CLASS  |city |name |
|0   |#87:0|Employee|#90:0|Danby|

> select name, city.country.name as country from employee where city.name='Rome'

|#   |name|country|
|0   |Paul|Italy  |

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